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 Enhanced Potential with PSYCH-K® 
Mindware to Upgrade Your Life​

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​​are you a positive influencer in the personal growth space?

consider Sponsoring an In-Person PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop

Seasoned event organizers and hosts can benefit personally and financially by sponsoring an In-Person Basic Workshop. 

Benefits and Compensation for Sponsoring a Workshop

Attending the Basic workshop provides a process you can use for a lifetime to change limiting subconscious beliefs impacting literally every area of life; your health, finances, happiness and relationships, just to name a few.

A Sponsor can participate in the workshop at no charge and receive a percentage of net revenues, providing the minimum number of participants to make the workshop economically feasible is met. Several variables impact that number. 

If you have already attended a Basic workshop, repeating is extremely beneficial. This fosters greater appreciation and understanding of the processes; provides the opportunity to gain valuable nuances potentially missed during previous experiences; and all the conscious conversations with each group are unique and inspirational. And even better ... more priceless opportunities to partner and continue your personal balancing journey.

Sponsors who are already in the alternative healing services and/or coaching space, will have the capability to offer subconscious belief change sessions immediately after the workshop. This will provide another source of value and revenue with your current clients and may open the door for other networking and business opportunities.

By sponsoring, you can develop or expand a like-minded community in your area. When several locals attend the workshop, organizing opportunities to gather and practice is incredibly beneficial.

If you are a positive influencer with this type of like-minded community and want to move forward with sponsoring, lets connect and talk more about possible dates and other important details. 

I look forward to connecting soon! 

Katherine Moyer
